After the adoption was finalized we were able to take Lucas to the temple on Saturday, December 11, and he was sealed to us. In our church we believe that families can be together forever. When Ryan and I were married we were married in the temple for time and all eternity. Lucas dressed all in white and he was sealed to us. This means that we will be together even after we die. It was a beautiful experience and Lucas looked like an angel. He was so smiley and happy in the temple. We have had many miracles in our lives. And this includes this little baby placed in our family. We are ever grateful for his birth parents and family that gave us and him this opportunity. There were many family members surrounding us. Through all of our prayers, Lucas was placed with us.
On Sunday, December 12, we took Lucas to our church and Ryan was able to give him a name and a blessing. We took lots of pictures with lots of our family.
Ryan's parents and Lucas
My parents and Lucas
I miss him so much. He is so perfect.